Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 1, Year 3

As the sun set on Sunday, a great party came to a close...there was lots of jumping and dancing and singing, although I don't think my voice box would agree with that. I only realised at 1am Monday morning that i had uni in just hours. When i actually woke up at 8am (yes i was quite surprised too) I dragged my hoarse beaten voice with A3 paper and pens in hand to Studio 3. And what an interesting day unfolded. I think for the first time in studio we had professionals who have worked directly on and who had experienced the very scenarios we are to be designing for.. THE DISASTER ZONE... We heard from 3 people who have worked directly in the survival efforts of serveral overseas natural disasters, studied the science and geology of natural disasters and worked with an international humanity organisation which is heavily involved with such events (The Red Cross), respectively.

Having split up into groups we chose earthquakes as our core focus for designing and created a mind map around all the aspects before and after, environmental and human, rescuer and survivor, unfolding the key elements to our chosen topic.

Through both we learned about the natural, phyical, political and humanitarian challenges that we will face designing for earthquakes. As homework we will be researching deeping into the epicentre on of topic (I couldn't resist) to further refine our understanding.

By the time I get home, 1hr is left to relax before work beckons.. cleaning at my aunties pathology lab.. and although uni has finished the designer does not rest for my uncle is trained for earthquake response in the SES :D ....homework done! woo! or so I thought.

1 comment:

Dr Mariano Ramirez Jr said...

Glad to know you enjoyed your first day in Studio 3A, David.